Introduction to Lighting & Compositing for Cinematics
Houdini & Nuke Production Workflow with Jon Perez
This introduction to lighting and compositing by Jon Perez provides insight into a professional workflow used at studios for cinematic production. The goal is to provide the necessary knowledge to help artists improve the quality of their environments, assets, and animations using industry-trusted lighting and compositing techniques.
After gathering and reviewing relevant references using PureRef, Jon walks through the setup of his production software. He then demonstrates how to develop the chosen scenes using Houdini before moving into the final compositing work in Nuke. Artists can follow Jon’s workflow to see and experience the strength of a professional pipeline and understand how to utilize Houdini’s tools and extensive configuration possibilities, from Bundles and Operators to AOV settings. Jon also provides helpful Nuke tips and tricks for effective image treatment.
This 4.5-hour workshop is oriented to those looking to specialize in lighting and compositing and develop their understanding of studio workflows; it provides the knowledge and tools needed to create work according to industry standards. Additionally, an environment is provided with the workshop to help artists develop their own lighting scenarios and create create successful portfolio pieces.
This workshop utilizes Ciro Cardoso’s Environment Art and Big Medium Small’s asset Water Village collection.
Duration: 4h 29m
Format: HD 1920x1080
CC: English